Media Critique: Courier Journal

   Finding a news article to critique proved difficult. The Courier Journal's home page is flooded with sport news on high school and college levels. A visitor to their website has to filter through for breaking local and national news. Sports are important in Louisville because they add profit to the economy and bring people together. The question this leads to is: what would the world be like if people focused on problems they were passionate about with the same degree of passion for sports? The courier journal is Louisville's main newspaper and produces good stories, but quality stories are being buried under un-newsworthy articles.
  One example of a relevant story on the Courier Journals page was a report on maternal deaths (link here). The article is important and factual, staying true to verification by quoting personal accounts and professionals. Another trend on their page labeled "news" is singular stories that do not significantly impact a lot of people. An examples of this "What weather will hit Bourbon and Beyond festival?"(link) This article checks off local relevance but is not newsworthy.
  Courier Journal should have these stories under a different label in a separate place. People are bombarded with information at all times everyday. Journalists have to make sure the information counts and lines up to the 10 Yardsticks of Journalism. Louisville is a growing city with a growing need for relevant, newsworthy stories locally and globally.


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