Waves of New Inventions in Media

If  you look at media over time, there has been crests and troughs for each mass communication medium. Each new medium generally peaks at popularity and goes through demassification as an another medium reaches popularity and overtakes it. This pattern is seen with magazines overtaking newspapers, radios over magazines, movies over radios, television over movies, newspapers, and magazines. In present day, the internet is taking over everything, including cable and the music industry.  Along with each mass communication invention, there are other innovations that go along with them. For example, magazines introduced personality profiles, in-depth investigative journalism, and national advertising. Listening to music also introduced new platforms and transitioned through records, record players, cassette tapes, CD's, and online streaming platforms. The media industry is constantly changing and evolving with new technology.
Do we think of these technologies as significant, or do we take them for granted and use them as novelties? Right now we have the most information we have ever had at our fingertips. As Mr. Feeny in Boy Meets World has said, "Gutenburg's generation thirsted for a new book every six months! Your generation gets a new web page very second." In theory, the internet allows everyone to have a voice. Teenagers are impacting the world through their platforms on the internet. But past generations has probably felt the same way about newspapers and radios. It is good that we are constantly advancing as a society but we still need to appreciate what we have and utilize it. Keeping older items, novelties or not, allows us to appreciate them even more.


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